Like a lighthouse in the storm
Lost at sea in the crashing waves
I look out to the illumination that shines
With relief as I'm
Engulfed with rain and downpour
Unsure if this ship will plunge.
The strength of ocean too vast
Questioning the change of forecast
Or if I can go on.
I look out into the darkness
See the light shining like a beacon
Glistening in the night
There guiding me home
Away from the rough winds
To the safety of the shore.
What started out so swiftly
Will the nautical mood deliver
The moment changing like quick silver
A beauty to a beast
The warmth the light possesses
Proving earth is within my grasp
If I could only make it past
The thundering vibration of each crash
Breaking the icy chill expanding up my back.
Focusing on the hazy radiance in the blurriness of my gaze
Stepping foot back onto hard soil
With the unsteadiness of my sea legs
Picturing greener pastures
Fields of tulips in the spring
The wind dancing through each blade
The nourishing heat against my goose bumped skin
Thawing the ice that pulsates through my veins
As I teach myself to walk again
Bringing back the familiar
Out of the dampness of the rain
The rockiness of the water
Into the protection of shelter
Onto a pebbled shower floor
Stepping back into joy of water
Feeing it once more
Instead of the danger
I have experienced and now know
Reminding me of its gentleness
Rediscovering the refreshment of this foe
The comfort of running water,
The softness of its flow.
Allowing something else to take the helm
Picturing me dry, clean, red lipstick on my lips
The marking I will leave on cherished flesh
Against my finger tips
The warmth of the skin I get to touch
Into the arms of safety.
That enraptures me in its grasp
Just follow the beam of the light house
Proving this storm too shall pass.
Jojo, I love that I feel in my own flow of stream of consciousness as I read your words...all the action words landed as if they were moving through me & I love the metaphor of storms passing... Wonderful.
Chilling - as I read a passage from my own life in this moment. Beautiful words and phrases of encouragement. Perfectly in tune music of the soul!