I want to be born again
To the same life
Surrounded by the same people
I want to know and recognize
The things to come
The things I will lose
The things I forgot to notice
The things I will see differently
Now on the other side
Now that I know
That moments are fleeting
Slipping through my fingertips,
Like a mirage
A facade
Soon only a memory
A loss
A hole
I want to be born again
And not take it for granted
Every moment
Every heart break
Knowing it will leave me
Teaching me a lesson in its wake
Realizing I will make it through
In a way all the moments
Will not.
I want to be born again
To tell her I loved her.
To express how I felt
To explain her worth
To not be afraid to show
To know the importance
Of each embrace
Of every emotion
No matter how painful
I want to be born again
To tell her I will be ok
When the darkness comes
I will see the light
She taught me to search for
The glow of her protection
In all the effort of how
She loved
Shielding me beyond the grave
I want to be born again
To tell her how much she mattered
How her words
Her love
Would carry me through life
I want to be born again
To know when I experienced death
When a part of me felt broken
A new beginning would come
A new me would crack through my soul
Proving, I could be born again.